Friday, May 07, 2010

Forgetting Facebook

In an effort to remain transparent, I will, in full disclosure say that I have checked Facebook this week.

It was Tuesday or so, and I'd forgotten to log out from my phone - I got some alert and followed it in to the Facebook interface in order to read a message and log out.

There. Truth. I feel so much better.

That said, I'm learning quite a bit about myself as I've given up Facebook for a month.

1) The days are long enough. They just are. It's easy for me to get overwhelmed with work and irritated with God for giving us "only" 24 hours a day. The truth is, we have 24 full hours in every-single-day - and that's long enough to do just about anything we want.

There is enough time in the day. In fact, there's plenty.

Think about it. Say you work (or go to school) for 8 hours a day. If the average person gets about 8 hours of sleep (that's being optimistic) that leaves another 8 hours left to do anything you want. There's enough time to work another full time job with the time we have left over. Of course, that's a bad idea, but the point is, there IS enough time.

While it's not directly related to Facebook, this week has brought to me some of the most difficult conversations I've ever had. But the best part was, was that I was there to have them. I'm not saying that my time spent away from Facebook has necessarily opened the door to deeper friendships, but these conversations were literally of the once in a lifetime kind, and I thank God that I was fully there to engage in them.

2) I've done more.

I've read more, written more, ran more, started swimming, started my own megalomaniacal website - I've just simply done more and have done better work. To be sure, there's times where my left hand wants to instinctively type "F-A-C-E' in the address bar and let autofill do the rest but usually, I'm too busy doing something that matters.

3) I feel slightly disconnected.

I think part of the lure of social media is the "connectedness" it offers. It's like you're privy to hundreds of different conversations and you get to piece together certain elements of people's lives through their pictures, updates, links etc. There's a small part in all of us that is sated when we feel 'included' - but a birds-eye-view shows me that really, it's just nourishing insecurity. I want to be included, more than I just want to feel included - and sadly (or maybe, hopefully) that really only happens outside of the internet.

So, overall - it's a positive project I've launched into. Right now, I'm giving myself only a 50% chance of ever returning to Facebook. Maybe though, the problem isn't the site itself, but my self-control, or lack thereof.

How has it been giving up meat this week? Or Facebook? Or anything? I'm excited to live deeper.

I'm really excited.


AmourDeVelo said...

It's been a solid 6 days of not eating meat. Its been tough! Bakers is 5 minutes away from work, which is my guilty pleasure haha I had Denny's the other night with a friend, ordered a Value Slam and couldnt substitute the bacon/sausage so I had to watch him eat the bacon I WAS PAYING FOR!! After day 2, I had a dream that I ate a turkey sandwhich and I literally woke up bummed out. Tomorrow's the last day. I think I'm gonna try to give up Diet Coke for a week. Oof.

.Mike said...

Lately I'm considering the ramifications of giving up anger. I've been learning to forgive, but the forgiveness is usually only possible after the anger is gone. Sometimes the anger feels totally appropriate (as can a greasy double-bacon cheeseburger), but I'm finding that it very rarely is. So, I've been trying to pay close enough attention in order to notice myself getting angry at something (or even just frustrated)... then I try to just give it up. I let it go. I identify the source of the offence (usually something insignificant at its base), and then I choose peace over anger. I "let it be". So far this is proving to be a very healthy exercise. I'm learning that even though I'm very good at being angry ... it really holds no true benefit.

Anonymous said...

hey Mr. Durham, thanks for this. im tired of all the bs that comes with facebook. it allows us to feel close while keeping a distance, and i dont want to be about that. thanks for making this decision that much easier!